Covers the two adjacent regions of South Asia (Indian subcontinent) and West Asia (Asian side of the Middle East)

On the occasion of US imperialism’s failed 20-year occupation of Afghanistan, which ended ignominiously on 31 August 2021, Jose Maria issued this article, “US Occupation of Afghanistan from 2001 to 2021.” Prof. Sison is chairperson emeritus of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle.

Author’s note: This article is focused on the US-NATO war of aggression against Afghanistan and its occupation from 2001 to 2021. It may be distributed in connection with my paper on 9-11 and the War on Terror for the webinar on September 13, 2021 under the sponsorship of BAYAN and the ILPS-Philippines.

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The People’s Liberation Front (JVP) Sri Lanka marked the October Revolution centenary at the Viharamahadevi park in Colombo on 27-28 October. The organizers said it was the largest commemoration in Sri Lanka, held simultaneously with similar others across the globe. Read more